Azimfamily Azimfamily: 2014


Program Penutupan Bengkel Latihan Kejurulatihan Modul Sekata

Posted on February 2, 2012 

Seramai 60 orang peserta yang terdiri di kalangan Exco dan ahli-ahli gabungan NCWO telah menyertai Bengkel Kejurulatihan Program Pencegahan Jenayah Sekata yang diadakan pada 31 Januari 2012 hingga 2 Feb 2012 di Allson Klana, Seremban.
Program ini dianjurkan oleh Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) Negeri Sembilan.
Selaku Yang Dipertua NCWO Negeri Sembilan, Raja Datin Seri Salbiah Tengku Nujumudin hadir bagi menyempurnakan Majlis Perasmian Penutup Bengkel Kejurulatihan Program Pencegahan Jenayah Sekata dekat sini, hari ini.
Ucap Yang Dipertua  NCWO Negeri Sembilan,beliau menyatakan bahawa program sebegini amat bagus diadakan supaya masyarakat menyedari tanggungjawab bersama untuk menangani jenayah yang bermula dengan keluarga.
Beliau yakin dengan penglibatan Exco dan ahli-ahli gabungan NCWO dalam program ini mampu menterjemahkan apa yang dilalui, dipelajar dihayati kepada masyarakat umum dan sekaligus dapat membantu pihak kerajaan kea rah pembangunan sosial negara dengan meningkatkan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan sosial berasaskan pendekatan komuniti sejahtera.
“Bagi golongan remaja, program ini dapat memperkasakan remaja dan golongan muda dalam menangani isu-isu kekeluargaan, masalah atau gejala sosial dan kesihatan reproduktif agar tidak berakhir dengan kegiatan yang berunsurkan jenayah,“ ujar beliau.
Jelas beliau lagi, masyarakat wajar mensyukuri nikmat dengan Penubuhan Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat yang sentiasa menitikberatkan kesejahteraan, kesentosaan dan keselesaan masyarakat khasnya keluarga sejagat.
Turut hadir Pengarah LPPKN Negeri Sembilan, Tuan Haji Ramli Bin Shabudin, Wakil Ibu Pejabat LPPKN, En. Abd Halil Bin Umar dan Penyelaras Bengkel Kejurulatihan Program Pencegahan Jenayah Sekata, En. Muhammad Nadzim Bin Ishak.

Posted on February 2, 2012 

Zakat Membawa Tahfiz Al Munawarah



Saudara/I Yang Di Rahmati Allah,


Dengan segala hormatnya saya ingin merujuk perkara di atas

2. Berhubung dengan perkara di atas dimaklumkan bahawa Madrasah ini memohon bantuan untuk pengurusan pembangunan fasa 2, satu blok 2 tingkat yang akan digunakan untuk surau dan asrama. Asrama yang uzur dan sempit perlu digantikan.

3. Sehubungan itu pihak kami dengan rendah diri memohon sebarang sumbangan ikhlas dari pihak muslimin/muslimat samada berupa WANG ZAKAT (Simpanan, Perniagaan, Saham, KWSP, Emas & Perak atau lain-lain jenis ZAKAT) / KIFARAT / FIDYAH / DERMA / SEDEKAH / WAKAF (Perkakasan).

4. Oleh itu sebarang sumbangan ikhlas muslimin/muslimat bolehlah dimasukkan terus ke akaun CIMB ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD kami diatas nama;

NO. AKAUN 860 050 3519 (CIMB BANK)

5. Akhir sekali diucapkan jutaan terima kasih, semoga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa baik muslimin/muslimat dan menambahkan rezeki yang berkat diatas keprihatinan muslimin/muslimat terhadap mereka yang memerlukan dan pihak kami amat menghargai sumbangan tersebut. 

Mohon bantu sebarkan.

Sekian. Terima kasih. Wasalam.

Yang ikhlas,


Mudir Madrasah Tahfiz Al Munawarah

Allah Swt Berfirman;

“Perumpamaan orang yang menafkahkan hartanya dijalan Allah adalah seperti sebutir benih yang mengeluarkan tujuh tangkai, disetiap tangkai ada seratus biji dan Allah melipat menggandakan bagi sesiapa yang dia kehendakki dan Allah itu Maha Luas (kurnianya) lagi Maha Mengetahui.” Al-Baqarah:261

NO. TEL.: 013 332 1592, 
NO. FAKS: 03 4266 2322,

JAIS 03 5514 3400, LZS 03 5522 7700,
Balai Polis 03 4108 1222, POS (M) 03 4107 3337

Thank You Father

SEREMBAN: Men jogging at Taman Tasik City Park at Seremban 2 here were pleasantly surprised when they were stopped by a group of people yesterday.

The staff of Negri Sembilan National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN), in conjunction with Fathers Day, handed them bottles of mineral water and handkerchiefs.

State LPPKN director Ramli Shabudin said the items were distributed to fathers at the park as a token of appreciation and in recognition of their struggle to look after their families.

"This is something to cheer on this special day," he said at the programme yesterday. Co-organised with the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, Ramli said the programme themed "Thank You My Father" (Terima Kasih Ayahku) was held at the recreation centre to promote a healthy lifestyle among fathers so that they could serve as an example to their family in raising awareness on living a healthy life. Asked why they chose handkerchiefs as gifts, he said it was a symbolic object which represented a father in many ways.
"Apart from that, it can be used to wipe their sweat after exercising."

A total of 300 bottles of mineral water and handkerchiefs were distributed between 8am and noon.

Apart from the gifts, LPPKN also organised a reproductive health service programme free at five of its Nur Sejahtera clinics throughout the state.
Among the services provided were family planning techniques and family counselling as well as individual counseling.

"Normally, one has to pay RM10 for the checks. But from June 17 to 19, in conjunction with Fathers Day, we are giving the service free."

Respek Wanita

SEREMBAN -  Bagi menghargai dan mengingati jasa wanita yang bergelar ibu, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) mengedarkan sebanyak 300 kuntum bunga  ros dan 300 mufin, kepada pengunjung yang datang ke pasaraya AEON Seremban 2, semalam.

Pengarah LPPKN Negeri Sembilan, Ramli Shabudin berkata, program yang bertemakan ‘Respek Wanita’ ini adalah bertujuan untuk menghargai jasa serta pengorbanan ibu, yang selama ini telah menjaga rumah tangga dengan sempurna.

Selain itu katanya, melalui program sedemikian ini juga ia dapat memupuk rasa cinta dan hormat terhadap wanita bergelar ibu.

“Tepat jam 12 tengah hari semalam, kita telah mengedarkan bunga ros dan mufin kepada semua ibu yang terpilih yang berkunjung di pasar raya AEON ini.

“Jika sebelum ini kita membuat sambutan Hari Ibu di semua klinik Nur Sejahtera, tetapi pada kali ini kita mengubah angin dengan mengadakan sambutan di tempat awam sebegini.

“Syukur Alhamdulillah, cubaan kali pertama ini dapat sambutan yang sangat memberangsangkan, dan mungkin kita akan adakan lagi pada masa akan datang,” katanya ketika ditemui pada program sambutan Hari Ibu di AEON Seremban 2, di sini, semalam.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Pengarah KPWKM, Rashnizahwati Abdul Rashad.

Ramli berkata, bagi memeriahkan lagi sambutan tersebut, pihaknya menganjurkan program perkhidmatan saringan kesihatan reproduktif percuma, di lima Klinik Nur Sejahtera LPPKN seluruh negeri ini.

Katanya, antara perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah melaksanakan kaedah perancang keluarga, saringan kesejahteraan dan kaunseling keluarga serta individual.

“Promosi percuma ini akan bermula pada hari ini sehingga 15 Mei, bermula jam 8.30 pagi sehingga 5 petang.

“Jika sebelum ini bayaran sebanyak RM10 akan dikenakan kepada pengunjung yang mahu melakukan pemeriksaan saringan ini, tetapi selama tiga tersebut kita akan memberi perkhidmatan percuma,” katanya.


Kasih Sayang

ARKIB : 29/01/2010

Persatuan Gerontologi Malaysia anjur kursus
JOHOR BAHRU 28 Jan. - Persatuan Gerontologi Malaysia dengan kerjasama Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) Johor akan mengadakan seminar bertemakan kasih sayang di sini pada 8 Februari ini.
Seminar sehari yang diadakan di Hotel New York itu akan bermula pada pukul 8 pagi dan dijangka tamat pada pukul 5 petang.
Pengarah LPPKN Johor, Ramli Shabudin dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini berkata, penganjuran seminar tersebut selaras dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk memupuk semula nilai-nilai murni demi mengeratkan hubungan kasih sayang antara generasi tua dan muda.
Katanya, ia juga bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan bagi menangani keganasan terhadap insan terutama kanak-kanak, wanita dan warga tua dalam institusi keluarga dan komuniti.
"Tema seminar tersebut ialah 'Kasih Sayang Antara Generasi Membanteras Penganiayaan Sesama Insan. Ia dipilih selaras dengan usaha kerajaan untuk mempromosikan pembinaan keluarga bahagia, masyarakat berkualiti, penyayang dan budaya hormat menghormati.
"Dalam pandangan manapun, keluarga dianggap sebagai elemen sistem sosial yang akan membentuk sesebuah masyarakat. Justeru itu, nilai-nilai murni disulam dengan kasih sayang perlu diterapkan bermula di dalam institusi kekeluargaan itu lagi," katanya.
Tambahnya, seminar tersebut juga bertujuan memaksimumkan peluang sedia ada bagi mengekal dan mengukuhkan hubungan antara generasi dalam keluarga atau komuniti.
"Kita juga mahu memberikan input dasar pada agensi-agensi berkaitan tentang perkara berhubung dengan status dan kebajikan warga emas," katanya.
Katanya, kumpulan sasar bagi seminar tersebut adalah agensi kerajaan, swasta dan bukan kerajaan (NGO), pemimpin masyarakat seperti guru dan kaunselor, wakil daripada pelbagai institusi agama dan penuntut institusi pengajian tinggi awam dan swasta.
Setiap penyertaan katanya, dikenakan bayaran RM20 dan untuk keterangan lanjut boleh berhubung dengan Nazileh Ramli di talian 017-2663455.

© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

Sarjan Penyamun dalam babak Alibaba dan 40 Orang Penyamun


Saya terlibat di dalam lakonan ini sebagai Sarjan Penyamun.....anda saksikannya
..maaf soundnya kurang berfungsi sepenuhnya...




Dengan segala hormatnya saya ingin merujuk perkara di atas,

2. Berhubung dengan perkara di atas, Madrasah ini ingin memohon dari 3,500 orang umat Islam untuk membantu RM 10 sahaja secara berterusan pada setiap bulan untuk menampung kos RM35 ribu sebulan.

3. Dimaklumkan bahawa Madrasah ini dengan rasminya telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1994 dan sekarang sudah berkembang sehingga seramai 60 orang pelajar lelaki, 30 orang pelajar perempuan dan 7 orang tenaga pengajar. 12 buah unit flat yang disewa untuk kediaman dan tempat pengajian pelajar lelaki berada di Blok A, Flat PKNS, Kg. Baru. Manakala pelajar perempuan ditempatkan di sebuah rumah teres di Jalan Datuk Abdullah Yasin, Kg. Baru.

4. Pengajian yang ditawarkan di Madrasah ialah pengajian tahfiz (hafalan) Al-Quran dan pengajian kitab. Sejak bermulanya Madrasah sehingga sekarang, tidak ada sebarang yuran dikenakan kepada setiap pelajar adalah bertujuan ikhlas kerana Allah swt. Kesemua tempat penginapan dan pengajian (RM10,000), makan minum pelajar (RM5 x 100 x 30 hari RM15,000), elaun tenaga pengajar (RM1,000 x 7 RM7,000), dan pengurusan Madrasah adalah sentiasa diharapkan daripada sumbangan masyarakat umat Islam yang berkeprihatinan. Kos keseluruhan perbelanjaan Madrasah adalah RM35,000.00 untuk setiap bulan. Oleh itu, Madrasah memohon sokongan dari orang ramai untuk menjayakan Madrasah ini kerana Allah swt.

5. Pihak Madrasah mengalu-alukan sumbangan Infaq, Zakat, Fidyah atau Derma daripada kaum muslimin dan muslimat, supaya dapat bersama-sama menegakkan syiar islam dengan menginfaqkan sejumlah harta untuk tujuan diatas mengikut kemampuan demi mencari redha Ilahi.

6. Oleh itu sebarang sumbangan ikhlas muslimin dan muslimat bolehlah dimasukkan terus ke dalam akaun CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad atau Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad diatas nama

CIMB BANK NO. AKAUN    8600 05 8576
MAYBANK NO. AKAUN      5640 9850 1934

Resit pengecualian cukai, boleh diuruskan untuk setiap sumbangan RM300 keatas. Mohon hantarkan slip bank sebagai bukti sumbangan besertakan nama penuh (seperti di dalam K/P) atau nama syarikat (seperti di dalam pendaftaran), alamat penuh (besertakan pos kod) dan nombor telepon untuk pengurusan penghantaran resit.

6. Akhir sekali jutaan terima kasih dan moga-moga Allah S.W.T membalas jasa baik muslimin dan muslimat dan menambahkan rezeki yang berkat diatas keprihatinan muslimin dan muslimat terhadap mereka yang memerlukan dan pihak kami amat menghargai sumbangan tersebut. 

Mohon bantu sebarkan.

Sekian. Terima kasih.

Yang benar,

Ustaz Syed Mohd Fadzli Syed Ahmad
(Mudir Al Yamani)

12H, Tingkat 8, Blok A, Flat PKNS, Jalan Raja Muda Musa, 50300, Kg. Baru, Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: 019 383 8730, Faks: 03 2726 8899, emel:

Maiwp: 03 4047 9444, Balai Polis: 03 2693 9022, Pej. POS: 03 2694 5597, DBKL: 03 2617 9000


Allah swt berfirman;
“Sesungguhnya orang-orang lelaki yang bersedekah dan orang-orang perempuan yang bersedekah, serta mereka memberikan pinjaman kepada Allah, sebagai pinjaman yang baik (ikhlas), akan digandakan balasannya (dengan berganda-ganda banyaknya), dan mereka pula akan beroleh pahala yang mulia.
Surah Al Hadid, Ayat 18

Before the advent of Islam in the Malay Archipelago

Before the advent of Islam in the Malay Archipelago, the Malay community affiliations at the time, can be divided into three major religious groups, namely: -

1. Agama Buddha Puja Dewa
2. Religion Hindu Puja Goddess
3. Practice Aboriginal people. (Animism)

Aboriginal people are very staunch in his various methods of worship so Tok-tok Jin Batin Aborigines in measuring the greatness of themselves, to limit the length of the hair on their heads.

Mergers three factions either through marriage or anything like that generates a strong stability in the customs and culture of the Malay culture, in addition to produce various forms of knowledge, practices and methods of worship with the intention of getting something unusual and shredding custom, racing -lumba to become champions or the most powerful among them, to boast, gallant, the most powerful, the most respected, in respect and so on. (See chart practices Absurdity)

Islam came to Southeast Asia either through the State China, Yemen, Persia or India and footholds until approximately 200 years. After it went in anyway influence of Christianity through the colonization of the Western powers. While in the Muslim community itself was influenced by influences Rafidiah, Kharijiah, Qadariah, jabariah and so on, giving rise to various insights and trends in the practice of the teachings of Islam. This situation causes some are slipping into the ravine following error:

1. Heresy Heresy Thiẏeṭārera the Karohah and illegal in the Shariah
2. Being in one of the 72 tribes astray in about faith.
3. Being in one of the 13 tribes astray in about Sufi

From the above it has triggered a breakdown of the various groups of the community who have the understanding and practice of each. From there was born the practices called practice of "mysticism" or "science fact" (Science Content) who left the tenets of that prayer works only with the intention only. Clans perverse can be seen through the practice they do in the discharge of worship to God.

In short any practice that does not follow the guidelines of the Quran, the Hadith of the Prophet saw, Ijma and Qias is included in one of the misguided notions of the three major groups above.

Type of religious practice Malay People Before Islam.

Basically the religious practices of the Malay people before the arrival of Islam can be divided into three great confidence, namely: -
1. The Malays Buddhist Deity Puja
2. The Malays are Hindu Puja Goddess
3. The Malays who hold and work with Aboriginal people practices. (Animism)

As a result of the teachings and their holding was born and has triggered various forms of cultural and religious customs and beliefs according to the type they belong to. Islam came to Indonesia after it has successfully eradicate superstition in the community at the time. But not all people in the community who want to leave their faith as a whole and to this day, we still can see how the practice of superstition is still upright and still alive in the customs and culture, especially in weddings, death, faith healing and midwifery, defense training self and others. In addition to trust the sacred objects such as daggers, grave, large trees, rocks and so on so strong that it could see some people in the community who still maintain and keep intact since the hereditary estate dagger, called "Guardians of the family."

Beliefs like this have anything to do with the origins of the Malays, mostly from the Indonesian archipelago which is famous in the past with the customs and beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism. Although Islam was taking root in Mataram, Majapahit Java and all but remnants of Hindu and Buddha are still strong in their beliefs.

In Peninsular Malaysia alone there are various breeds such as Malay, Bugis, Mihemedî, Rawa, Java, Banjar, Farmer, Siam and so on, and there is also a descendant of Aboriginal people. After converting to Islam they have brought their traditions in Islam. Although they differ in their offspring quarter, but they still can not be separated from the Hindu customs and mixing with indigenous customs and practices.

Ancient practices such as puja horn cattle / buffalo, wedding gifts, betel trellis, high rice, oil-salt-sugar and so on, lenggang stomach, 40/100 feast days after the death, slaughter chickens during open practice court martial, clutches / rack for medicinal Jin and so on are examples of practices in connection with the influence of Hinduism in the customs of the Malays. Similarly, customs, behavior of the native people before Islam was taken as customs or as a way of religion that must precede, an exaggeration again with pleasure and we greedily accept blindly the influence of colonial culture is indeed a long-term planning and Jews Christian personality, especially to kill Muslims Malay people who adheres to Islam.

Until now these practices are still alive, though has repeatedly until the call to preach to them to leave the practice, but for some of them it has been assumed that the customs seem part of the teachings of Islam that they embrace. Hence the reason why they have been juggling between the teachings of Islam's holy with the profane customs deceive, which is purely on imagination, ingenuity and thinking tahsinul 'aqli they simply just ..


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Archaeological Archives Forum Papers.
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Archaeometry Workshop.
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ACOR newsletter.
ADIAS Newsletter (Abu Dhabi).
ANMED : ... Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas.
AZTLAN (Pre-Columbian cultures).
Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey.
Adoranten (ancient rock carvings).
African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter.
Almatourism : Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development.
American Journal of Archeology.
Ancient Asia : Journal of the Soc. of South Asian Archaeology.
Ancient Nepal.
Ancient TL.
Anistoriton : ... History, Archaeology, Art History.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici.
Annual Report Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes.
Anthropological Science.
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Assemblage : Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology.
Athena Review.
Australian Archeology (free after four years).
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Australian Rock Art Research Newsletter.
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Berkshire Archaeological Journal.
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British Archaeology.
British Institute for the Study of Iraq.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt & Sudan.
Bronze Age Review (British Museum).
Bulgarian Journal of Archeology.
Bulletin of ... East Asian Archaeology.
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology.
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology.
Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology.
Byzantina Symmeikta.
CBA Occasional Papers.
CBA Research Reports.
CSA Newsletter.
Catalhoyuk Archive Report.
Cave Art Research.
Center for the Study of Architecture.
Chicago House Bulletin.
Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage.
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal.
Culture Without Context (IARC).
Debates de Arqueologia Medieval (DAM).
DANS Studies in Digital Archiving.
Digger, The.
Digital Proceedings ... on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland.
Documenta Praehistorica (Neolithic).
Egyptian Antiquities Newsletter.
Estonian Journal of Archaeology.
European Archaeologist, The.
European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies.
Expedition (1958-2011).
Fasti Online Documents & Research.
Futhark : International Journal of Runic Studies.
Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology.
Glyphs : ... Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies.
Hadashot Arkheologiyot.
Herculaneum Archeology.
Historical Archaeology.
Historische Archaologie.
INA Quarterly : ... Institute of Nautical Archaeology.
IAOS Bulletin (Obsidian Studies).
Indian Archaeology Review.
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica.
Int. Journal of Historical Archaeology (via Paperity).
International Preservation News.
Internet Archaeology.
IpoTesi di Preistoria.
Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology ... newsletter.
Islamic Africa.
Japanese Journal of Archaeology.
Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (Romania).
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society (JANES).
Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries.
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (via Paperity).
Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology.
Journal of Archaeology of Northwest Europe.
Journal of Archeology in the Low Countries.
Journal of Archaeological Research (via Paperity).
Journal of Caribbean Archaeology.
Journal of Cave and Karsst Studies (cave art).
Journal of Conservation & Museum Studies.
Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology.
Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology.
Journal of Lithic Studies.
Journal of Maritime Archaeology (via Paperity).
Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science.
Journal of Open Archaeology Data.
Journal of the Polynesian society.
Kerkenes News (Turkey).
Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers.
LANX (Archaeology at the Uni. of Milan).
Living Spring Journal (sacred springs).
London Archaeologist (1968-2005).
Mammoth Trumpet.
Medieval Archaeology.
Medieval Britain and Ireland.
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry.
Mesolithic Miscellany.
Mires and Peat.
Mother Tongue : ... Study of Language In Prehistory (1987-1996).
Natural Sciences in Archaeology.
News about Runes : Bulletin of Runic Research.
Newsletter of the Association for Roman Archaeology.
Newsletter of The Society for Medieval Archaeology.
Newsletter of the... Study of Iraq.
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Nytt om Runer (Runic Studies).
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Online Journal in Public Archaeology.
PARI Journal (Precolumbian art history).
PAST : newsletter of the Prehistoric Society.
Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly.
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Northwest Europe.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology.
Pari Journal.
Past Horizons : ... volunteer archaeology and training.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean.
Post Hole.
Proceedings of ... California Archaeology.
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (Reviews).
Queensland Archeological Research.
RAG, The (Roman Archaeology Group at UWA).
School of Archaeology Annual Report, Uni. of Oxford.
Roman Archaeology Group Newsletter.
Royal Archaeological Institute Newsletter (UK).
SAA Archaeological Record.
SAS Bulletin.
Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports.
Silk Road.
Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin (1995-2008).
South Midlands Archaeology (UK).
SPAFA Journal (archeology & cultural heritage in SE Asia).
Stanford Figurines Project Annual Report.
Stanford Journal of Archaeology.
Surrey Archaeological Collections (UK).
Sussex Archaeological Collections.
TAARII Newsletter : American ... Research Institute in Iraq.
TRACCE: online rock art bulletin.
Technical Research Bulletin.
Tennessee Archaeology.
Terra Australis (Australian Archaeology).
Texas Archaeology.
Traces in Time.
Trans. Leicestershire Arch. and Historical Society.
University Museums and Collections Journal.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (via Paperity).
Wabey Notes (Mayan Studies).
